Data Science – Definitive Way Ahead
Can we be left behind in the Data Science Race; most definitely not!
That will be the biggest blunder organizations and nations can end up doing if they miss the bus in adopting the huge world of opportunities that Data Science has to offer.
Business sectors including FMCG, Hospitality, Social media platforms, Streaming platforms, Financial Institutions, Medical Institutes, Hospitals, Universities, Regulatory bodies, and others collect, process and store vast amounts of data. This data is voluminous and holds within countless answers.
– What are the questions that can unravel these answers? Who can frame them?
Data Science with the help of AI, uses logical and statistical techniques to decipher and breakdown the data into valuable sets of information, which can then be used as insights to grow, predict, and build solutions that can benefit all stakeholders.
This is already proving to be a boon in the early diagnosis and detection of medical conditions in patients with life-threatening diseases. With the onset of virus induced Pandemics which can only get worse in the coming years, to be able to predict the mutation process or the degree of resistance to drugs, would help the medical fraternity to be ahead in their research and be more productive with their results.
Predictive Analytics using Climate and Weather data can help save lives by moving out the communities early, to safer areas, give clear and early warnings to Fishing community, tourists, adventure enthusiasts and motorists.
National, State and Local governments should constitute departments and institutions that systematically initiate Data Science projects that can help in the welfare of its citizens and better their living conditions.
We have much to be changed in our education system in India– Students admission data should be analysed, mapped to the appropriate job opportunities and the actual jobs into which they are absorbed. Some of the streams are overhyped leading to stressful entrance preparations and student life, with the student eventually facing mismatched job availability and needing upskilling to land a job. A realistic job market analytics should be presented with a futuristic outlook to help students decide what stream they should be opting for.
Automation Industry can work with traffic authorities and create solutions for accident prone highway points. Hospitality industry can use data analytics to predict demand, better control the logistics and minimize waste.
These are just few of the examples from the many data science applications that are unearthing new and existing information to build constructive solutions.
It is therefore extremely important that senior Data scientists and data consultants understand the problems, or have foresight of the potential problems, build thoughtful, pertinent questions and relevant premise for data mining and analytics to then unearth useful and insightful information that will drive solutions and ideas.
Nations should realize the potentially huge value in investing in Data Science and starting early. Business Organizations and governments, should be more than ready to facilitate teams that can explore the problems, curate questions, and dig deep into the data to create solutions and informed predictions.
Data Science can do more than recommending an OTT series or furnishings for your living room, it can save lives.
Shiny Varied Ajimon – Founder